Groups & Events

What’s Going On At West Side

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  • adopt a family graphic

    Adopt a Family

    The tags are on the Christmas tree and ready for you to select one or more than one! We are so excited that we will be able to help to make a memorable Christmas for two families in our local area of Washtenaw County as well as stocking stuffers for the children at Alpha House. Your unwrapped gifts will be due back at West Side UMC by Sunday, December 15th.

  • Delonis Holiday Collection

    The Delonis Center, in downtown Ann Arbor, provides temporary shelter for men and women experiencing homelessness. At Christmas small personal items are welcomed by the people that Delonis serves. The following is a list of new items: scarves, hats, gloves, socks, underwear, toothpaste and toothbrushes, wash cloths, small towels, soap, and hand and foot warmers, etc. A red box labeled "Delonis Center Collection" is located near the entry for these unwrapped gifts. The collection will extend thru Sunday, Dec. 29. Thank you for prayerfully considering contributing your thoughtful items to people in need. Questions:

  • bible and candles

    An Advent Study for Busy Christians

    No Homework! No book to purchase. Just bring a Bible.

    We will meet on three Wednesdays in December. The 4th, the 11th and the 18th. Join us around the fireplace for lively discussion and fellowship. We meet at 10:30-11:30 AM.

    Any questions?

  • Faithful by Adam Hamilton book cover

    Advent Bible Study

    The Thursday morning Bible Study group will be discussing the Advent study: “Faithful: Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph” by Adam Hamilton. We will be meeting on zoom Thursday mornings at 11am - November 14, November 21, December 5 and December 12. Books can be purchased through Amazon for $15.19. We will be reading the first chapter for our November 14 discussion. Any questions, please contact the office.

  • West Side Reads

    We will be reading The Rediscovery of America by Ned Blackhawk in the winter. Because of its length, we will be discussing this books sections beginning in January.

Ongoing Groups & Events


To schedule a group or event, please contact the Office Manager